Saturday 6 March 2010


POOR LITTLE RICH KID....: "When a spoiled little rich kid called David de Rothschild decides to blow millions on world-saving fantasies , the BBC immediately elevate him to being an 'eco-warrior' and devote acres of web space to what amounts to hero-worship. Dear David - whose banking ancestors helped fund Britain's great industrial expansion - has seeemingly spent his life on a guilt-trip drawing attention to the follies of the West, and of course, in the BBC's eyes, that makes him a candidate for sainthood. Especially as his main activity is listed as Adventure Ecology, a fanatical 'expedition group' raising awareness about climate change.

Our Dave's philosopy, uncannily like the BBC 's, is outlined on one of his websites, this one about his failed mission to traverse the Arctic in 2006:

'Now that I’m back at home safely it’s crystal clear in my mind what I left behind is a rapidly dying ecosystem. Over the last 100 days I’ve had the unique privilege to call the Arctic Ocean my home. This opportunity has given me a first hand glimpse at the truly devastating effects of global warming and climate change. It's fair to say that most eco systems are usually very capable of maintaining themselves but like everything in life there is always a breaking point when you push things too far, the same applies to the Arctic.

'Prior to this expedition I don't think I had truly grasped the sensitivity of our climate systems. The bottom line is they are littered with a multitude of tipping points and feedback loops which when crossed replace the so called 'slow creep' of environmental decay with a sudden and self perpetuating collapse.'

With a grasp of science like that, no wonder the BBC thinks he's a true eco-warrior!

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