Wednesday 16 December 2009


RUSSIANS ARE WRONG: "Hurrah! Most Russians don't give a monkeys about climate change. And who can blame them? If I lived in Siberia, I'd be pretty keen to see a bit more sun, especially at this time of year. But for the BBC correspondent Katia Moskvich, evidently as right-on in her political views as her London comrades, it's a bit of a problem. She's thought very hard about it and come to the startling conclusion:

But there may also be other factors involved, such as the lack of political discussion - because of the absence of any real political opposition - and the non-existence of a powerful middle class that would not only worry about its children's health but also be ready to stand up and do something about it.

So that's it, then, case solved. The Russians are waiting for the rise of the middle classes before they see sense and go potty about climate change, just like the BBC. It can't be because they are sensible and have seen through the whole freak show scam, it's because they are idiots.

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