Sunday 24 January 2010


BBC CLOUD CUCKOO LAND: "Today, it seems that the false 'consensus' around global warming is melting at a faster rate than ever before. Richard North has shown that the head of the IPCC solicited EU grants to research Himalayan glacier melt even though the claims of that melt were totally bogus; David Rose on the Mail on Sunday has evidence that the IPCC deliberately inflated melting ice theories to make the world pay attention; and the Sunday Times has further evidence that other parts of the 2007 IPCC report also deliberately falsified the records about alleged increases in the damage caused by hurricanes. It adds up to an avalanche of fraud that is building up momentum daily - for the first time the MSM is following what blogs have been saying for years.

So where is the BBC on all this? Not very far, to put it mildly. There's virtually nothing on the BBC website that reflects the turmoil. Harrabin posted on Friday a pessimistic blog containing the old warmist lie that the lobbying firepower from oil corporations was the reason why 'climate change' legislation has not been passed; and Richard Black, though admitting that the 'climate change' suicide rush to enact globally-binding targets has faltered, still refuses to to discuss or even properly mention the catalogue of lies and distortions that are now being exposed. It's BBC cloud cuckoo land, as usual.

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