Monday, 28 December 2009


PEACE ON EARTH, GOODWILL TO HAMAS: "I see the BBC has been doing it's best for those poor innocents that support Hamas. It reports today that 'the world' failed Gaza earlier this year. I agree. 'The world' should have fully supported Israel as it sought to defend itself from the murderous intent of the Islamic Jihadists that constitute Hamas. But that's NOT the line being retailed by the BBC this morning. No, you see the issue is that the bad Jews need to be pressurised much more for daring to defend themselves, or so says those impartial anti-Semites at Oxfam. The BBC is beside itself with joy at this seasonal message from the fake Charities although it does Israel two sentences to defend itself at the very end of the report. Meanwhile on Today, we had Hamada Abuqammar @ 7.19am relating just how tough life is for the poor people of Gaza, and explaining exactly why all those tunnels into Egypt are for humanitarian purposes. Hamas must love the BBC - if only they, rather than we, funded them.

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